Nithya Menen aka Nithya Menon has acted in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada films. She won two Filmfare Awards for the Telugu films Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde and Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju. Nithya Menen is famous for her smile, curly hair and attractive short figure. Despite her short figure, Nithya looks stunning in both traditional and modern saree. Here we have a huge collection of Nithya Menen wallpapers, HD images, candid photos...
Nithya Menen- Super Cute in Saree
Nithya Menen aka Nithya Menon has acted in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada films. She won two Filmfare Awards for the Telugu films Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde and Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju. Nithya Menen is famous for her smile, curly hair and attractive short figure. Despite her short figure, Nithya looks stunning in both traditional and modern saree. Here we have a huge collection of Nithya Menen wallpapers, HD images, candid photos...