Urvashi Rautela hot images, wallpapers, latest photos

Urvashi Rautela was born in February 25 1994 & she began modeling at a very young age of 17. She is the beauty pageant title holder and made her acting debut in 2013 with Anil Shrma action film Singh Saab the Great with Sunny Deol.

First time she own Miss India Universe crown in 2012, but she was not crowned because of age controversy. The sexy actress once again crowned in 2015 with Miss Diva 2015 and she has become very popular with the title tag. She is really hot having very glamorous
face and body curves.

Urvashi is really hot and audience response proves it. She is very active in social media and Facebook fans response is also played vital role in the success of her career. She posts daily a beautiful new pic which get thousands of likes.

Rautela has planed her career in engineering and also appeared in IIT exams but Now
she is known as Bollywood new queen.

Urvashi got fame with LoveDose Music album released in 2014 .

Now within a very shot span of time, success is with her not only because of her acting but because of her beauty. She is having very sexy body. She has a standard height which fit on her body and in the recent time she is famous not only in Indian fans but global audience also know Urvashi. 

Urvashi Rautela latest HD wallpapers,photos:

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